Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Pexels


I'm a copywriter and content strategist... kind of like a journalist for brands.

What I Do

Storyselling. I leverage the power of narrative to engage customers and build brand trust, and then find the ideal points of distribution along a meticulously, data-backed nurturing funnel. 

A journalist's approach to content marketing involves understanding a brand from every angle; from the perspective of the founders, of the employees, the contractors, the UPS guy, and most importantly, the customers. By getting to know your business inside an out, I create resonating content that is consistently authentic and transparent. 

About Me

My career in content creation began ten years ago when I blogged my way through a year-long hitchhiking hiatus. Since then, I've been talking to strangers, asking too many questions, and writing for brands of all sizes. 

These days, you can find me on my sailboat, trail running, and catching medium-size waves.